Welcome to A Gravel Road Journey!

NOT SO LONG AGO, Dad RE-named his art studio, "A Gravel Road Studio", and so this seemed an appropiate title for his blog.

Why 'Gravel Road'? As Dad explains, "Gravel roads take us off life's busy highway and force us to slow down. When we slow down we have time - time to notice the things around us; the things that matter the most; life and breath, the flowers and the trees. Gravel roads allow us to taste the dust of our travel and give us time to breathe."

Since his studio is a place of quiet reflection and contemplation, we wanted to create a space for family and friends to do the same as we journey together down this new and unknown path. We also wish to keep family and friends updated on his diagnoses and treatment, so please check in often for updates and new information.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Disappointing News for Dad

Well, Mom and Dad were supposed to make a trip to Edmonton this upcoming weekend, and unfortunately, it has been called off. Dad's last board meeting at King's University College is this weekend, along with an art show that Dad really wanted to see, but he hasn't been feeling very well lately, and so the trip has been called off. He is very disappointed, but the doctor's (and Mom!) feel it is best that he not travel that far right now. He's been sleeping 18-20 hours a day the last few weeks, he's been throwing up, and his sense of balance continues to be off. He's also had a very mininal appetite, so between that, and the getting sick, we are starting to notice him losing some weight. Mom is also looking into getting Dad a cane to help with his balance. She looked at a few stores, but so far, none of them have sold canes that will be tall enough for Dad, so she will have to try a medical supply store.

It's so very hard to watch Dad going through all of this. Some days are better than others, but the bad days are especially tough. To see him struggle to do things that we all take for granted is not an easy thing to watch - things like changing the channel on the tv, or checking our email. Going through this ordeal just reaffirms how fragile life is, and reminds us that we need to cherish every moment we have with our family and friends. It's also a great reminder of how awesome and powerful our God is. That even in our weakness, we can still seek Him and He will be there for us. We sang the song in church on Sunday that I quoted on here a while back, "You Never Let Go" by Matt Redman. That song continues to provide us comfort and hope, knowing that God hasn't let us go throughout this whole journey. He continues to guide us and hold us in the palm of His loving Handm, providing the comfort we seek, and the strength to keep on going. I pray that we continue to feel His presence as the days go on and our journey continues.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the update. I know how hard it is to watch your dad go through all of this. I went through the same thing when my mom had cancer so many years ago. She is now singing in the choir in heaven. It is never easy watching someone you love so much struggle with things that we do everyday. Keep leaning on the everlasting arms. He is near and present even in the midst of our trials. Thanks for keeping us updated. I pray that God will continue to give you and your family the strength that you need daily.

carolsong said...

Prayers with all of you always.

Hank and Carol

Sue Contant said...

Gerald and Arlis --
Out here in BC you continue to be remembered in our prayers ... at home and at school. Thanks for your insiteful reflections in the blog. Helpful for us to live and pray along with you.
Sue and Martin

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know (as I sit at the Kings Board meeting) that at the Annual General Meeting last night we had a touching and blessed time of celebrating Gerald's work at the board level and for his art work. That's all I'll say for now... there is more to come... but you will see that soon enough. The words were wonderful and uplifting. Our thoughts and prayers as a board and a community and for me as an individual are very much with you and the family.

Rev. Richard Bodini

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Dana, for the messages which are difficult to read and probably more difficult to write. We are hoping deeply for surprises that confound the normal analyses. May our Lord give you, Gerald and Arlis and family, the stamina, patience and hope that is born of a deep trust in God's almghty mercy. We are praying for your well-being with a deep love.
Ines and Cal

Anonymous said...

I just have to say how much I respect the level of transparency and openness that you're bringing to this journal. When facing something so tough - so emotionally overwhelming - so often the temptation is to either gloss things over with niceties or to say nothing at all. And for those of us still on the other side of this kind of "gravel road," we often do the same; we rush in with platitudes, or we stay away and try not to confront our own fears.
This journal, in all of its rawness, is a call to any and all who call themselves disciples to keep facing things with that uniquely Christ-formed mixture of honesty and deep hopefulness.
Thanks for that.

Marg and Jake Hoogland said...

We continue to pray for all of you,knowing that this time is so difficult. Words cannot express what needs to be said so just give both Gerald and Arlis a great big hug and tell them we love them and think of them often.

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head with your comment about how fragile life really is. We do not know what tomorrow holds or what journey God has in store for our life. It is easy to say we have a strong faith when things are going well, but it is only at times like this, our faith is put to the test and Gerald's has continued to remain strong which we are very greatful for. There is a strong community 'at work' praying and miricales still happen today! May God continue to bless your family during this difficult time. Thank you for posting the updates and keeping us in the loop!
John & Annette (Covenant CRC)

Anonymous said...

Again, I am humbled by reading the faith that each of you exhibit daily. Continue to seek hope and comfort from El Shaddai, the all sufficient one.
Our prayers remain with you, Don & Eva

Marg and Jake Hoogland said...

Tomorrow we will be saying special prayers for all of you as Gerald goes for his scan. We know that you are holding on to God and that he is holding on to you.

The Keowns said...

praying always. I think the updates are such an amazing way for you to reflect on all thats happening and to give us just a glimpse of what your family is going through.
and yes, he never lets go.

Unknown said...

I just wanted to let the family know that my family and I are praying for you. I pray for strength, health and courage.
Brandy (former student)

Anonymous said...

We saw the article in the freepress and we are very happy to hear that this blog was made, we will look a it very often. We feel for you guys and are thinking about Gerald.
We will keep you in our prayers and will think of you, always.

The Augustine's,